Case Studies
Expanding Coverage As An Organization Grows
The Client
Our client is a nonprofit community health center with 15 locations and 200 employees in Southeastern North Carolina. They provide primary care, women’s healthcare, counseling services, health promotion and education to uninsured and underserved populations.
The Challenge
Healthcare companies hold protected health information on Electronic health records systems (EHRs). This information is capable of being shared across different health care settings, and as such, is vulnerable to data breaches. As their organization continued to grow, they needed to manage their exposure to cyber risk. With these and other expanding and changing needs, they had outgrown the local insurance agent they’d been working with for more than 10 years.
The Solution And Result
Our access to healthcare industry focused insurance carriers, robust loss control and claims services, and experience with vehicle fleets, meant we were able to offer them one-stop, competitive pricing options. We presented an insurance, exposure, premium, and rate analysis that surpassed their existing program. Now they have broader coverage at better pricing with superior technical services. Their senior management has been so thrilled with the level of service they’ve received and the positive outcome that they’d now like to expand their partnership with us.